
Sciatica Treatment at Sainz Chiropractic

Sciatica is a condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated, leading to uncomfortable symptoms. Sciatica can significantly impact your ability to perform daily tasks and disrupt sleep patterns. Fortunately, your chiropractor near you at Sainz Chiropractic in Gainesville, FL, can help alleviate sciatica with drug-free and non-invasive chiropractic care. Continue reading to learn about the causes and symptoms of sciatica and how our chiropractor can treat it.


Causes of Sciatica

The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body, stretching from the lower back through the back of each leg. Sciatica occurs when this nerve experiences irritation or compression, most frequently due to a herniated disc. Another common cause of sciatica is trauma from an accident leading to nerve irritation. Other factors that contribute to sciatica include being overweight, diabetes, and prolonged sitting. Working a job that requires constant twisting motions or carrying heavy loads can also increase your risk of developing sciatica.

Sciatica Symptoms

Compression of the sciatic nerve can cause several unpleasant symptoms. The most common symptom of sciatica is pain along one side of the sciatic nerve pathway. This pain can vary from a mild ache to a sharp, shooting pain in the back, legs, and buttocks. Many people also experience numbness or tingling sensations down the back of the legs. Pain often worsens when you sit for extended periods or change positions. Severe sciatica can cause muscle weakness and uncontrollable bladder or bowel movements.

Chiropractic Sciatica Treatment

Your chiropractor will examine your medical history and discuss your current symptoms to determine the underlying cause of your sciatica. Once they identify the root of your condition, your chiropractor will develop a customized treatment plan to alleviate pain and improve your range of motion. This treatment plan may include chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and trigger point therapy.

Chiropractic adjustments correct misalignments in the spine and joints that contribute to sciatic nerve compression, helping reduce pain while restoring your musculoskeletal function. Your chiropractor may use spinal decompression to return herniated discs to their proper placement and relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. Trigger point therapy can ease muscle tension, enhance flexibility, and reduce pain by relaxing tight muscles and improving blood flow.

Visit Your Auto Accident Chiropractor in Gainesville, FL, for Sciatica Treatment Today

Sciatica is a debilitating condition that can significantly disrupt your daily life if left untreated, so contact your auto accident chiropractor at Sainz Chiropractic in Gainesville, FL, to get the chiropractic care necessary to feel like yourself again. Our chiropractor can determine the cause of your sciatica and create a treatment plan to alleviate pain and improve your health and wellness. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (352) 225-3203 if you are searching for a “chiropractor near you” to treat your sciatica.

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